Men’s Shed

Stop press UPDATE Feb 2023

If you live locally and would be interested in getting involved please get in touch by emailing >>

The information given below will be revised and updated in line with the NEW proposed Men’s Shed project as soon as the information becomes available.


A place to share skills and a mug of tea!

We have some men, we have a shed, we have some tools – now we just need to make it work. In order to run the shed we require trained supervisors so if anyone would like to register their interest please do so. If you would like to pop along to one of the shed sessions to see if it’s something you want to get involved with then pop down on a Friday morning at 10am.

So in short, here’s the plan…

  • Shedders currently meet at 10am on a Friday and you are welcome to join the team.
  • Training will take place over the course of the year.
  • There will be two roles to fill those being Shed Hands and Shed Supervisors.

Take a look at the job descriptions below, applications welcome – there are Committee Member and Supporter roles for people who don’t want to get practical in the shed!   (Links open in a new window)

Shed Supervisor
Shed Lead Hand
Shed Committee Member
Shed Supporter

If you want to come along and just make stuff that’s fine, you don’t need to apply for a role to take part.

If you need to discuss further call 07935 868835 leave your contact details and someone will get back to you or email

If you are not sure what the concept is all about, here is the UK Men’s Shed Association’s take on it…

A Men’s Shed is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – a place where he feels at home and pursues practical interests with a high degree of autonomy. A Men’s Shed offers this to a group of such men where members share the tools and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing at their own pace and in a safe, friendly and inclusive venue. They are places of skill-sharing and informal learning, of individual pursuits and community projects, of purpose, achievement and social interaction. A place of leisure where men come together to work.

Although Sheds mostly attract older men, some have included men of any age, women and young people. Whichever activities are pursued the essence of a Shed is not a building, which some don’t have, but the network of relationships between the members.

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