Our Easter Event on Friday was an amazing day in so many ways and I thought I’d put a few thoughts together by way of a record…Inspired by an awesome “record” by Luther Vandross.
You can have…
Never too much sunshine – the weather made all the difference! The crowds of at least 3,000 people were a sight to behold and since the event I have spoken to dozens of local people who weren’t able to make it and most of them would have been regulars, so goodness knows how many there would have been if all the locals had come!
Never too much (many) volunteers – Despite the Friends “only” staffing the Cafe, BBQ and Easter Egg Hunt, we didn’t have enough people to make the most of the whole opportunity a day like that presented. The queues were longer than I’d have liked, we didn’t sign new volunteers and “friends” up and we weren’t able to run our popular 50/50 raffle all because we didn’t have quite enough help – recruitment is a priority for next time!
Never too much (many) friends – I’d like to say my first massive THANK YOU to everyone who did help out, lots of friends and family and some new arrivals too. Like Christine from DP World who was an absolute STAR on traffic patrol for much of the day, she never complained once and did all those menial things that I didn’t want to do, THANK YOU CHRISTINE! So here is the list (not in full…please read on) Mandie, Vicki, Maureen, Gbenga, Gbenga’s friend ;), Femi, Ethan, Russell, Alex, Gill, Kate, Dot, Dean, Linda, Jean, Liz, Pam, Emily, Molly and friends ;), Kevin, Henry, Louise and Robert.
Never too much stock – We ran out of drinks and hot dogs pretty early on so went and bought some more on the quick, I guess we should have been more optimistic on numbers!
Never too much (many) things to do and stalls – THANK YOU to all the stall holders who came especially the Ice Cream Man, Gazza and Liam and friends from BIZZY BOUNCERS for providing the children with entertainment!
Never too much (many) First Aiders – an ENORMOUS THANK YOU to Nick and the team from TRIPLE L TRAINING for providing First Aid cover, although they weren’t inundated with injuries or illness, the people that received care from them were very grateful (myself included!)
Never too much COMMUNITY SPIRIT – the event was only a success because so many people turned out so THANK YOU TO THE CROWDS! This also includes support we got on the day, like Lee and Dave from Smartline Electrical who came to aid when we overloaded the power supply!
…and last but most importantly NEVER TOO MUCH PASSION!…and I want to take this opportunity to say the BIGGEST THANK YOU of all to one of the most passionate people I know, my partner in crime, SHANE RALPH, without whom so much of the good stuff that has happened at the park, simply would not have happened. From the installation of new equipment, to the acquisition of the building and the vision for us to become a training centre and all of the day to day negotiating, planning, organising and doing, the list is endless and he has worked tirelessly now for several years and I’m proud to call him my friend. So Shane, THANK YOU for helping me thus far…here’s to many more exciting times ahead.
My last word is this….if Friday’s event inspired you and made you feel proud to be part of the community in SS17, please get in touch with us and get involved. We welcome all and everyone in our project because we believe every person has something to give.
p.s. Here is a gallery of photos from the day, if you have some of your own that you would like to share please email them to info@friendsofhardiepark.co.uk or upload them to our Facebook Page.