by fhp_admin | 08, Oct 2013 | Park
After nearly 3 months, the newly installed play equipment has suffered it’s first minor graffiti – a inoffensive tag with permanent marker. Dan, one of our Hardie Park volunteers got straight onto cleaning it off. I asked him why he wanted to clean off...
by fhp_admin | 16, Sep 2013 | Developments
We have an idea to install an accessible storage cabinet in the park with cleaning equipment; litter pickers, bags, gloves, brooms, dustpan and brush etc. that will provide park users with the opportunity to “do their bit” when they are out and about. We...
by fhp_admin | 06, Aug 2013 | Developments
We’re delighted to announce the installation of new play equipment, just in time for the school summer holidays! With our grateful thanks to Thurrock Council and Veolia North Thames Trust who made all the arrangements and provided the funding. The play equipment...
by fhp_admin | 06, Aug 2013 | Events
Looking for something to do in the holidays? Why not come along to our Summer Bounce Days on TUESDAYS 6th & 13th August, followed by our SUMMER FETE ON SATURDAY 31ST AUGUST FROM 12-4PM ALL PROCEEDS FROM THESE EVENTS IS REINVESTED INTO THE PROJECTS AT HARDIE...
by fhp_admin | 03, Aug 2013 | Sponsored Bike Ride
A dozen lads have embarked upon a ride to Southend via Leigh Skate Park. They met this morning (Saturday 3rd) at Hardie Park and were waved off by family and friends. Sponsorship hasn’t been totalled yet but they are expecting to have raised over £500. Blog...