VACANCY filled : Cycle Hub Apprentice

Friends of Hardie Park are delighted to be in a position to recruit a Bike Maintenance Apprentice on a one year contract, as a result of funding from the South Essex Active Travel scheme, led by Southend Council.

We are looking for 16-21 year old applicants with an interest in bikes, practical working or a flair for basic engineering.

This is a great opportunity for someone that is hands-on and can demonstrate good technical skills, but may not necessarily have secured their GCSE grades whilst at school.Β  Applicants should demonstrate a willingness to learn and a positive attitude, with a friendly and good natured character, ideal for dealing with customers.
If you, or someone you know, isΒ interested in applying please complete the form below, we will be in touch very shortly. Β The post will start in September 2019.

To read more about the person we are looking for, read this document.

    First Name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Address (required)

    Tel No.(required)

    Mobile No. (if different)

    Your Email (required)

    Date of Birth

    Why are you interested in the Cycle Hub Apprentice Opportunity?

    What relevant previous experience do you have (paid or unpaid)?

    What is your highest level of qualification? What is this?


    Do you have any specialised skills?


    If yes, please specify

    Do you consider yourself to have any support needs?


    If yes, please specify

    Do you have any physical or mental health problems we should be aware of?


    If yes, please specify

    Some roles will require criminal records check, do you have any convictions we should be aware of?


    If yes, please specify

    How did you hear about Friends of Hardie Park

    Social MediaGoogle/Search EngineWord of mouthThrough my workPoster/Leaflet

    How much is?